Time to walk again in a Winter Wonderland
Tickets are on sale for this year’s Specsavers Winter Wonderland.

The annual event sees the St Saviour’s garden owned by the Bachmann family converted in into a festive land, with lights, decorations and Christmas treats, all in a bid to raise money for good causes.
Specsavers sponsors the event and helps with parking.
‘To me it’s the start of Christmas and it’s so exciting to see so many people come with their children, I just love it,’ said Specsavers founder Dame Mary Perkins.
‘Father Christmas will be here and there’s all sorts of paths to follow with the elves.’
Winter Wonderland first began in 1996 – making this its 28th year.
The first event had only 50 people, but this year about 3,500 islanders are expected.
It takes two to three months to prepare the event and three to four weeks for lights and decorations to be installed.
As well as the lights, there will also be carol singing, food and drink.
The money raised will go towards Autism Guernsey and the Lions Club of Guernsey and both charities are excited to be a part of Winter Wonderland.
‘It gives us funds to continue the welfare projects that we do for the community of Guernsey,’ said Lions Club of Guernsey President Robert Holder.
These projects include Project Sparkle and offering two free meals to those who receive meals on wheels for Christmas.
Autism Guernsey chairman David Harry added that the funds Autism Guernsey receive will go towards several events.
The charities thanked Peter and Frankie Bachmann for allowing the event to be held again in their garden.
n The event will take place on Wednesday 4 December, from 6pm to 8.30pm at Les Ruettes Cottage, Les Issues, St Saviour’s.
Specsavers is providing free buses from the company car park and Le Rondin School car park. These buses will start from 5.30pm.
Tickets are £7 for adults and £3 for children aged 3 to 12 and can be brought from Stan Brouard, Earlswood Garden Centre, Creasey’s, Woodies, St Peter’s Post Office, Forest Stores and Specsavers.
Winter Wonderland is open to adults and children with autism on Monday 9 December from 6pm to 8.30pm.