Only a third keen on a retirement development
A purpose-built retirement development was an idea that was attractive to more than a third of people over 50 who replied to the survey.

But well over half did not find the idea attractive, or were indifferent to it.
‘There is a group of people who are 70-75 who would consider living in one,’ said Island Global Research MD Dr Lindsay Jefferies.
The survey also showed that many people were attracted to the idea of owning their own property if they moved to such a development.
The highest proportion of people who said the thought was ‘very attractive’ were in the 75-79-year-old age range, although even then that accounted for only 13% of the age group. More than a quarter of those age 75-79 said the idea was ‘quite attractive’.
Comments from several people were printed in the report: ‘Build a retirement village only for over 60s and make it affordable,’ said one respondent. ‘Would free up a lot of houses.’
‘This is an excellent idea, we need more of these in Guernsey,’ said another.
But not everyone was enamoured.
‘I don’t want to be living in complex with only old people,’ was one negative comment. ‘Loss of privacy. Lack of space for personal possessions. Loss of independence. Would need spare bedroom for children living in UK to stay when visiting us.’
Another respondent said: ‘I would like to live independent for as long as possible.’
And pets could also be an issue.
‘I couldn’t live without my dogs, so wouldn’t move at all if this wasn’t possible.’
More general comments from people over 50 who had not yet retired showed that affordability of any accommodation was a concern.
‘Care and nursing home facilities need improvement and be more financially accessible,’ said one person.
‘Guernsey is too expensive to live in retirement,’ said another.
‘I will live somewhere else.’
There was also a lack of clarity over what the options were.
‘I would like more information on what is available should I need to sell my home and go into a residential home – what do the States pay, what am I required to contribute and what choices are available?
‘There doesn’t seem to be much information available on this topic.’
But while where they might live was not clear, the vast majority of respondents – 80% – of those who had not retired said that they intended to continue to live in the islands.