‘Alderney risks being marooned without action on runway’
ALDERNEY’S population risks being ‘marooned’ if action is not taken on the island’s ailing airport runway in the next few months, the man behind an online petition calling for resurfacing work to begin has warned.

Ian Taylor, a presenter on Riduna Radio, launched the petition on his breakfast show yesterday morning, complete with an AI-generated support song entitled ‘Broken Runway Blues’ by Guernsey deputy Mark Helyar. The petition has already received more than 500 signatures.
‘All we are asking for is for the runway to be widened and for centre lights to be installed,’ Mr Taylor said.
‘It is by far and away the biggest single issue facing our island and something needs to be done before 2,100 people are marooned here and can’t get away.’
During the island’s recent general election, Mr Taylor said all candidates had agreed that the runway’s future had to be at the top of Alderney’s agenda.
‘It has been previously publicised that the Civil Aviation Authority has carried out inspections, and from what I understand from two of our States members, the CAA has confirmed that its end of life will be in about 18 months.
‘An urgent deadline for action needs to be set. Kicking the can down the road has got us nowhere.’
An assurance that the runway would be repaired was given last month by Guernsey politician Jonathan Le Tocq, external relations lead for the Policy & Resources Committee, during an interview on Riduna Radio.
The committee controversially instructed Aurigny to raise fares to reduce the subsidy on offer for flights to and from the island several weeks ago, after the runway and airport rebuilding project was paused by the States of Guernsey as costs soared by 50% beyond the initial estimate. It has now said that it will report back to the States of Guernsey before the end of the political term next spring.
However, Mr Taylor was frustrated that nothing had happened since then.
‘We need P&R to commit to a date for when spades will go into the ground, not another survey or programme.
‘That’s why I have taken this step of making a petition, as ultimately the States of Alderney has no decision-making power over this.
‘With people power we will take it to the States of Guernsey, and even to the UK government if we have to.’
If no progress was made, Mr Taylor said the consequences for Alderney would be severe.
‘Every time there was a medical emergency the States of Guernsey would need to hire a medevac helicopter rather than use a Dornier, while those Alderney residents requiring cancer and other medical treatment in Guernsey who fly over on the 8.10am flight, what would they do?
‘Not to mention the fact that Alderney’s economy is dying on its feet, we have islanders who have been here for a long time who are now leaving due to the connectivity issues.’
Further problems with the island’s tourism industry, he added, had been laid bare following a recent conversation he had with owner of the Blonde Hedgehog Hotel, Julie-Anne Uggla.
‘She said that they still had one room available during Alderney Week this year, and previously you’d have had no chance getting in anywhere even months in advance. The urgency of the work that is required needs to be realised, otherwise you’re going to end up with a situation that deteriorates rapidly in the coming months.’
n The petition can be viewed at www.ipetitions.com/petition/repair-alderneys-runway-now?