Guernsey-wearers itching to appear in Japanese documentary
Some 200 guernsey-wearers gathered in Town yesterday afternoon to feature in a Japanese documentary that will include the famous island knitwear.

A crew from NHK, Japan’s publicly funded broadcaster, similar to the BBC, were busy speaking to islanders and filming scenes for a new television show about knitting that is set to be broadcast in Japan later this year.
The soon-to-be stars of Japanese TV congregated around the Victor Hugo statue outside Town Church as they waited patiently for the crew, who were delayed in getting to the island due to weather.

Once they had arrived, the group moved to the Market Square steps, where a chorus of ‘Sarnia Cherie’ broke out as the crew went about filming footage and talking to some of those present.
Crew co-ordinator and researcher Mayumi Oxborrow said the sense of pride and passion that people showed for their guernseys was clear to see.
‘It’s clearly such a big thing and we have learned a lot about their tradition and how they are often passed down through family generations,’ she said. ‘We didn’t expect this many people to come and meet us, we are very grateful.’