Guernsey Press

Scaffolding on Castle Pier is going nowhere

No efforts have been made to get quotes or fix a Guernsey Harbour building, despite scaffolding having been in place for more than nine months.

Scaffolding was erected around the old slaughterhouse building on Castle Pier more than nine months ago. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33631345)

It was installed over the eastern part of the old slaughterhouse building back in April as part of investigations into the roof structure.

This part of the building has 11 rental units and is managed by Guernsey Ports.

Responding to a Freedom of Information request, the States’ Trading Supervisory Board said the scaffolding did not affect the nearby Slaughterhouse restaurant.

‘The roof is in a dilapidated condition and the scaffold canopy is providing essential protection to our tenants by preventing water ingress,’ the board said.

‘Around £60,000 has been budgeted across 2024 and 2025 to cover the installation of the scaffolding, its continued use and inspection, and internal project management during that timeframe.

‘With the funds and resources currently available, the scaffolding canopy is the most cost-effective way to protect the building and maintain commercial income while we review the best solution for the future.’

STSB confirmed that Guernsey Ports had not sought any quotes for the repair or replacement of the roof.

It was still considering options for the future use of the site that would maximise its economic value.

‘Any decision on remedial works to the current premises will follow upon completion of this work.’

The Guernsey Press asked questions about the building last autumn, with Guernsey Ports head of delivery and development Doug Wright saying then the scaffolding was doing an important job.

‘The dual purpose of the scaffold canopy is to offer protection to the tenants of these premises and to let the very large roof timbers dry out ready for a full structural survey of the roof to take place,’ he said.

‘We have eight tenants with workshops and secure storage space within the premises who cannot be exposed to water ingress.

'The scaffolding canopy is providing protection to these businesses, allowing us to maintain revenue from the premises, which may otherwise need to be vacated.

‘It is enabling us to keep the premises commercially viable.’

The building dates back to 1887 and has been listed since 1993.