Guernsey Press

Dairy stops all cheese production

Guernsey Dairy has ceased all cheese production, much to the disappointment of the island’s farmers and retailers, who yesterday described it as a great loss to the island.

The Dairy said the move to cease production was being made to free up space within the existing facility at Bailiff’s Cross for updated milk packing equipment. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 34058350)

It said the move was being made to free up space within the existing facility at Bailiff’s Cross for updated milk packing equipment.

Local farmers were very disappointed with the news. Michael Bray, president of the Guernsey Farmers’ Association, said local cheese would be missed by both the industry and the island.

‘The Guernsey Dairy is operated independently from farmers under the STSB umbrella and this is their decision and not one that the GFA supports,’ he said.

‘All small dairies experience periods of milk production in excess of that sold as liquid milk, and as such cheese production is an excellent way of using this milk and extending its shelf life.

‘Unfortunately, due to the high cost of running the Guernsey Dairy, it is allegedly too costly to continue cheese-making,’ he said.

‘Hopefully with the decision by deputies to focus on the future of the dairy moving forward, there will be a more positive future for the Guernsey Dairy and industry.’

Operations director Andrew Tabel said the dairy had to focus on its core objectives, in particular, to satisfy local demand for milk.

‘Guernsey Dairy has a special position in the local community, as the supplier of fresh dairy products that help sustain the island’s rural environment, farming economy and the Guernsey Cattle Breed,’ he said.

‘We need to re-purpose space within the physical constraints of the existing dairy to accommodate a new milk packing unit and all the peripheral equipment, without interrupting the processing and supply of fresh liquid milk. The strategic decision to cease cheese production will facilitate this.’

Final production stopped over two months ago, but the diary said orders would continue to be fulfilled while stocks last, with retailers predicting stocks would be gone by April.

Matthew Bateman, director at Forest Stores, said he would be disappointed to lose a local line which sold well.

‘Its a real shame to lose another great Guernsey product,’ he said.

In 2023 the dairy sold £130,000 worth of cheese, a rise of 10% year-on-year.