Guernsey Press

Local scientist to head up UK government’s research body

AN EMINENT Guernsey scientist has been appointed CEO of an influential UK government research body.

Sir Ian Chapman will become the next CEO of UK Research and Innovation, the UK’s largest public research funder, with a budget of £9 billion per year. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 34081522)

Professor Sir Ian Chapman, who was knighted in the Queen’s New Years Honours list in 2022, will become the next CEO of UK Research and Innovation, the UK’s largest public research funder, with a budget of £9 billion per year.

The organisation has a remit to ensure public funding is invested in ambitious, pioneering research that will benefit the whole of the UK and provide a clear return on investment for taxpayers.

Sir Ian is currently chief executive of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, but will be giving up that role soon to concentrate on his new job.

He said he was looking forward to building on his experience at the UKAEA with the wider UK research and innovation sector.

‘I am excited to be joining an excellent team at UKRI, focused on improving the lives and livelihoods of UK citizens,’ he said.

‘Research and innovation must be central to the prosperity of our society and our economy, so UKRI can shape the future of the country.’

Educated at La Houguette and Elizabeth College, Sir Ian, whose parents still live locally, will lead the UKRI in supporting thousands of the UKs brightest researchers and innovators in developing solutions from life-saving medicines to protecting the environment.

Its work in recent years includes backing the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, the construction of the world’s most advanced wind turbine test facility, and investing in AI technology.

Science minister Lord Vallance said Sir Ian’s leadership experience, scientific expertise and academic achievements made him an exceptionally strong candidate.

‘He will lead UKRI in pursuing ambitious, curiosity-driven research, as well as innovations that will unlock new benefits for the UK’s people and drive our "Plan for Change",’ he said.

‘Growing the economy is this government’s number one mission and taking full advantage of the innovative ideas, talent and facilities across our country is key to reaching that goal and improving lives across the UK.’

Climate minister Kerry McCarthy thanked Sir Ian for his many years of dedicated service at UKAEA, the last nine as CEO.

‘In that time, he has transformed the organisation into a world-leading hub for fusion energy commercialisation and driven the UK and global strategy for fusion development forward,’ she said.

‘I am delighted that the UK will continue to benefit from his drive and expertise in his new role.’