Hamon predicts demise of 'socials'
ROD HAMON, social football's biggest supporter and worker, is predicting the demise of the leagues.

The loss of The Captain's and Manzur to the GFA's Railway Cup is just the start he said.
'I felt the writing was on the wall well before I agreed to answer the SOS from the IAG Saturday Football League last season,' said the long-serving official.
'I once again returned to the position of president as well as wearing other hats on the committee, but this time reluctantly, as it was very much something I did not want to do.
'I returned with the offer of running the league for two seasons as long as at least one person would take an interest and look at the work involved in the running of the league and perhaps taking over.
'With no-one apparently looking at stepping up to the plate at the time of writing I feel the league will disappear into the mist once I leave at the end of this coming season.'
More in Tuesdays Guernsey Press.