Giant Bream turns up in Alderney
Retired cabinet-maker Steve Darby caught the fish of a lifetime while out with a charter party of boat anglers off Alderney this week.

This giant Couch’s Bream weighing 8lb 5oz 5dr took a whole mackerel head intended for ling on a mark of rough ground known as The Patch just 16 miles from Alderney.
Mr Darby, who lives in Willand, Devon, was on board the Exmouth-based boat called RoseAnna which brings parties across from the UK to spend a few days in Alderney waters.
The fish was identified and weighed on calibrated scales during the Alderney Shore-Fishing competition much to the envy of all the local Channel Island anglers.
The local record of 9lb 50z 3dr is probably safe because the boat did not start and return from an island port and the same principle applies to the British record which is listed at 9lb 5oz 3dr.
Alderney Angling Festival goes on all week.
(photo By David Nash)