Guernsey Press

Inter-insular matches: Golf on but no cricket

INTER-INSULAR golf rivalry will resume on Saturday 11 September. However, the elite cricketers from Guernsey and Jersey will not be locking horns on the same day.

Danny Blondel celebrates holing the birdie putt which guaranteed Guernsey overall victory in the men's inter-insular at L'Ancresse in 2019, when the match was last held. (Picture by Gareth Le Prevost, 29915812)

The Guernsey and Jersey Golf Unions confirmed yesterday that, following the removal of pre-travel testing requirements on arrivals from Jersey into the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Ravenscroft Men’s Inter-Insular will go ahead as scheduled on the weekend of 11-12 September hosted by Royal Jersey Golf Club at Grouville.

‘We are all delighted with this outcome and look forward to a keenly contested golf match – the first in two years against our sister island,’ said GGU president Geoff Orme.

Guernsey men’s team captain Dave Jeffery, who has been in dialogue throughout the summer with his opposite number Ian Daly as well as others in Jersey, is pleased that those discussions have proved fruitful in the end.

‘The best players from both islands want this fixture, need this fixture, and it’s sure to be a great occasion renewing old rivalries with our friends in Jersey after a tough 18 months for both islands,’ said Jeffery, who will be announcing his team shortly.

The men’s cricket inter-insular had been pencilled in for 11 September at Farmers, having been delayed from the original date of Saturday 21 August due to the travel restrictions, but will not go ahead.

‘We were looking at 11 September as a potential date, but after various discussions with all relevant parties, the board has weighed up all the logistics, player availability, travel times etc. and taking into account all the information we had, unfortunately we have had to make this call,’ said Guernsey Cricket Board chief executive Mark Latter.

‘We will be looking at doubling up on both 20-over and 50-over formats next year, so home and away, should the schedules allow.’