Guernsey Press

Guernsey Press ambassador award leaves Sarah speechless

WINNING the Guernsey Press Ambassador of the Year award rendered Sarah Griffith speechless last night.


The charity fundraiser was recognised at last night's Awards for Achievement for her 10 years of work helping islands hit by natural disasters.

'I am shaking,' Ms Griffith said after receiving the award.

'It is such an honour.'

She originally started helping in Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami, but extended her support to Haiti and, more recently, the Philippines.

She is travelling to Haiti later this month to help with building a workshop.

'It is for the younger people in the slums,' she said.

'They can't afford to go to school so this is a chance for them to learn a trade, like carpentry or welding.'

Over the last 10 years she has made 61 overseas trips to help these three countries and raised more than £1.75m. for the causes.

At the start of last year, Ms Griffith's charity work was recognised with an MBE.

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