French students gain insight into island life
A GROUP of French students have been visiting Sark to learn about tourism and education in the small community.

The 13 students – aged between 19 and 21 – from the Louis Thuillier School travelled to the island aboard the Bon Marin de Serk last Friday as part of a learning project.
As well as improving their language skills, half the students were studying the tourism industry, while the rest were looking at education in small communities.
The young people had a chance to visit the school, meet headmistress Sarah Cottle and learn about how in 1850 Sark became the first place in the British Isles to make schooling compulsory.
The school has three teachers and 30 pupils, ranging in age from four to 16. It offers a range GCSE and IT courses.
The tourism students went to the island's visitor centre and host Lydia Bourne said the pupils had been very enthusiastic and asked lots of questions.
The students said they had thoroughly enjoyed Sark.