European Court dismisses Sark First's petition
A MOVE to axe Sark's current electoral system has been dropped from the European Court of Human Rights.

Sark First had petitioned the European Court to get the Ministry of Justice to repeal reform laws of 2008 and 2010 and replace them with a mechanism for electing a Sark government which it believes would represent the needs, views and concerns of islanders.
However, in a statement the group said the application had been judged inadmissible by the court.
'While we acknowledge the decision of the ECHR, we are in no way disheartened.
'Our objectives have not changed.
'Sark First was formed as a pressure group with the backing of over 100 Sark residents to bring about a change in the way our government is elected.
'The voice of the disenfranchised minority we represent is still as strong as ever and we have a responsibility to carry on with our fight for a proper democracy on Sark.'