Herm summer staff enjoy social side of island life
ALL WORK and no play makes for a very dull Herm summer season.

There has for several years been a Herm social committee, used to arrange parties and activities to help staff let off steam.
This year, the committee has stepped things up, with meetings being open to everyone on the island and with staff taking more responsibility in organising their own activities.
The island arranges organised afternoons, such as fishing trips, clay pigeon shoots, archery, coasteering and kayaking excursions. There is an allocated fund for these events so that, as far as possible, they can be offered to the staff for a nominal amount.
Many of the staff have taken it upon themselves to use their evenings off for rounders, football and the very popular Ultimate frisbee, the popularity of which is growing weekly.
Not only do these events help ease the pressure of a busy workload during the high season, but they help to forge friendships and a team spirit among the young summer workers, many of whom arrive on the island knowing no-one.