Pride of Guernsey: 'Eisteddfod innovator will be missed'
FRAN BOURGET has been executive officer of the music section of the Guernsey Eisteddfod festival for 12 years.
'And during this period the section has gone from strength to strength with new, innovative classes introduced to encourage a greater range of participants,' said Barbara Minta, who has nominated Fran for the Moonpig-sponsored Arts Contribution of the Year Award.
'Fran has a great team of helpers who work well together and ensure the success of this busy section of the festival.
'Competitions encompass the whole gamut of genres from classical vocal, instrumental and choral to musical theatre, pop songs, electronic instrumental composition and lately a fun corporate class for businesses to enter, which has proved enormously popular with both participants and audiences.
'Over the last five years the number of entries has been in the region of 600 to 700 in each festival.'
Certainly an achievement, but Mrs Minta is nominating Fran for a specific reason.
'This year Fran is stepping down from her position within the music section.
'She will be very much missed but hopefully she will be assuming a new role within the festival organisation.'