Pride of Guernsey: 'Passionate about the show'
THE West Show committee are responsible for organising one of the highlights of the Guernsey summer for folk of all ages.

Michelle de Carteret, who has proposed the committee for the OCS-sponsored Parish Champion of the Year Award, said a great show needed a driven committee with camaraderie between members.
'The organisation of the show must be a huge task, which the committee seem to take in their stride,' she said.
'It is all voluntary work, they are a great team and passionate about giving people a show they can be proud of.
'With the tents full of local produce and products, a thriving beer tent and live bands playing each night, you cannot be more proud of our West Show.
'Our horses, cattle and livestock are well-groomed for their "best in show" appearance, the pageant shows off our local costumes and the arena entertainment makes you gasp with delight.
'The West Show has everything traditional, which is down to the committee being sensitive to our heritage, and it has been around for more than 100 years.'
She said the slogan 'West is Best' was a fitting tribute to all committee members and volunteers.