'Defend Sark's way of life' – conseiller-elect
SARK must defend its way of life with vigour, incoming conseiller and former Chief Pleas president Reg Guille has said.

'The past 20 years has seen Sark changed out of almost all recognition, much of that change being brought upon the island by vested self-interest,' said Col Guille.
'Some of the changes have been instigated by Sark and much of that change happened after direct consultation with residents.
'It is my belief that Sark must stand up for its principles and way of life with vigour, as many will try and change us for their own ends.'
He also warned about the growth of the civil service – the first civil servant was appointed in 2013 and he said subsequently there has been a steady increase in the number of more-minor roles.
'Sark has always, due to its small population, been a hands-on and practical community both in and outside government. It will be my intention to rein in the continuing expansion of the civil service to only that which is strictly necessary for the functioning of this small jurisdiction and reduce where appropriate.'