Guernsey Press

Alarming response to fire safety campaign

MORE than 400 free smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have been installed across Guernsey in the last six months.

Firefighter Grant Hutchins with a smoke alarm, which have been fitted in local homes as part of the Fire and Rescue Service’s free fire safety risk assessments. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 20169326)

As part of a campaign to promote safety and wellbeing, the Fire and Rescue Service’s fire safety team and operational crews have completed 283 home fire safety risk assessments and installed more than 312 new Aico smoke detectors in the last six months.

In addition, 11 specialist hard-of-hearing smoke alarm kits have been installed in local houses and almost 80 carbon monoxide detectors have also been fitted.

The campaign has been sponsored by Islands Insurance.

To make best use of the free alarms and detectors available, they are being offered to the most high risk and vulnerable members of the community. To request a free consultation, please contact the Fire Safety Department, either in writing, by telephoning 724491 or via email at