Cyclist’s film of road rage in Ruette Tranquille goes viral
A CLOSE PASS and angry exchange between a cyclist and motorist in a Ruette Tranquille has been featured in the national news.

The incident took place in February and was filmed by cyclist Alex Margison using a helmet camera.
Uploaded initially to his Youtube account in July, it shows a large silver Honda CR-V vehicle cutting past Mr Margison on the lane in the early evening.
The motorist then reportedly careered slightly into the hedgerow before two people exit the car to confront Mr Margison with expletives. The cyclist told website that he sustained a broken finger as a result of the car door being opened.
The confrontation took place on a Ruette Tranquille, where cyclists, equestrians and pedestrians should have priority. Guernsey Police say no further action would be taken.
‘Officers fully investigated the incident and following the consideration of all evidence, including witness statements, interviews and actions occurring off-camera, and liaison with the Criminal Justice Unit, a decision was taken that the matter would not be pursued further.
‘In general terms, while we appreciate that footage captured of such incidents can give an impression of an “open and shut case”, as it were, investigating such matters and securing prosecutions is often not as straightforward as it may seem.
‘Once all evidence has been considered, which often includes claims that are disputed by the various parties involved, a decision will be based on whether the evidential threshold is likely to be met.
‘We understand and appreciate that those involved in such incidents may not be happy with
the decision taken, but we have a duty to make those decisions based on all the evidence available to us.
‘Guernsey Police take road safety very seriously and work closely with the Guernsey Bicycle Group to promote the need for all road users to treat each other with respect and courtesy. We are committed to continuing that work,’ a spokesman said.
Guernsey Bicycle Group chairman Sam Field recently launched a ‘Stay Wider of the Rider’ campaign and said he was disappointed with the police response.
‘There wouldn’t have been an incident at all if it wasn’t for the driver of the car. Close passes on the island are not uncommon but what is unusual in this case is the reaction from the driver, slamming down the brakes and the aggressive exchange.
‘I don’t think these sorts of things have increased, there’s a small percentage of motorists who have this attitude.
‘If you see cyclists on a Ruette Tranquille they are there for a reason, it’s their safe space,’ he said.