Former Alderney States member’s death ‘unexplained’
POLICE are appealing for information to shed light on the unexplained death of a former Alderney States member on Sunday morning.

Rowland Neal was found by a passer-by lying in the road outside his home, the Granary, on Hauteville, shortly after 8.
Despite the best efforts of the passer-by, police and medical personnel, Mr Neal could not be revived.
Later that day a forensics officer from Guernsey travelled to Alderney on the Leopardess to gather evidence that might provide an insight into his sudden death.
Police described 80-year-old Mr Neal’s death as unexplained, but not suspicious. They are keen to piece together his last movements.
A police spokesman said: ‘We would like to speak to any person who was in the area of Hauteville late Saturday night and into the early hours of Sunday, in particular between midnight and 8am.
‘This includes any person who may have driven along Hauteville.’
Mr Neal was a former Royal Navy electronics engineer and highly skilled at anything to do with boats. He also ran Alderney chandlery, Mainbrayce, for many years and served as a States member.
Alderney Police’s Sergeant James Taylor is asking anyone who feels they have relevant information to make contact with him on 725111.