Market Street set for overhaul
MARKET STREET is set to get an overhaul designed to make it safer, more attractive and accessible.

The proposals from Traffic and Highway Services will see the installation of granite paving on a single level to replace what the department calls the ‘uneven, unsightly and ageing asphalt surface’.
It said this new, even, surface will be accessible to all. ‘A far cry from the current state of affairs. It will make Market Street safer for pedestrians and easier to use for people with disabilities as well as those with pushchairs or high heels. It will not be laid like the High Street.’
The changes are supported by the Town Centre Partnership and will allow businesses to use the area more creatively, including perhaps providing more al fresco features.
This will complete the improvements to the Market area and a local contractor will be appointed following a tender process.
‘A lot of effort has been going into improving the Market area recently to make the area more vibrant and we are keen that this continues with Market Street,’ said St Peter Port constable Dennis Le Moignan.
‘It supports businesses in this area of Town and hopefully will also be a stepping stone to encouraging people into the Old Quarter.’
With pedestrians at the top of the hierarchy in the Transport Strategy, Traffic and Highways said it was working hard to improve pedestrian facilities, and these improvements to the largely pedestrian area of the Market supports this strategy and other States goals to keep Town flourishing.
Environment & Infrastructure committee member Sarah Hansmann-Rouxel said that it knew people wanted to see roads that were safe, enjoyable and welcoming and that was what it wanted to deliver.
‘We will also make them accessible to all,’ she said.
‘These changes will help shops by creating a public space where people can browse, hang out with friends, and get around safely and in a more attractive area.’