Lihou castaway experience for DofE group
YOUNG people are on an adventure on Lihou this week, as the island hosts a week-long castaway experience.
The Youth Commission organised for 11 young people from Guernsey, Jersey and Alderney, aged 16-24 years old to go to Lihou for five days for the annual gold Duke of Edinburgh’s award residential experience.
Duke of Edinburgh manager Rebecca Silk said they were pleased to be able to offer this unique experience to young people.
‘Every year we have a wonderful group who fully engage in the experience,’ she said.
‘[They are able to] give something back to their community while also gaining a fabulous qualification in their gold DofE, which once completed will be presented to them at a palace by a member of the royal family.’
As part of the Gold DofE, participants must complete a week-long residential with people they do not know, taking part in a shared activity while staying in shared accommodation.
Lihou fitted this criteria and offered the perfect opportunity for all involved.
Lihou warden Steve Sarre has also set them a project of repointing the walls while in the island, which is said to be a worthwhile and invaluable activity to help with the upkeep of Lihou.
They will also enjoy outdoor activities such as archery, sea swimming and climbing and preparing all their meals themselves.