Landslip closes cliff path
A MAJOR landslide has swept away part of the cliff path up to the Cow's Horn overnight.

This morning the steps were closed following the damage.
A States of Guernsey spokesperson said engineers from States Property Services had been inspecting the area.
'It is likely that the soft cliff will require stabilisation work before the steps and walls can be reinstated,' they said.
Walkers are asked to take the cliff path between Clarence Battery, Belvedere and Val de Terres while the steps are closed.
'Heavy rainfall over the last few months has left soft cliffs and roadside earth banks all around the island vulnerable to subsiding,' the spokesperson said.
'Agriculture, Countryside and Land Management Services is inspecting cliff paths to assess their condition and will advise through the media if there are any areas which should be avoided on safety grounds.
'During this very wet weather some cliff and coastal paths may be deep with water and mud, steps may also be very muddy and walkers should consider their own safety, particularly if they are walking during early mornings and evenings when light levels are low.'
The spokesperson warned that soft cliffs of loose clays and small stones at Fermain, Moulin Huet, Petit Bot and Portelet, could also collapse without warning, particularly after periods of heavy rain. These soft cliffs may also contain large boulders, which are unseen until a fall occurs.