Soulsby, St Pier, Trott form a political group
GAVIN ST PIER, Heidi Soulsby and Lyndon Trott – the political faces of the island’s response to the pandemic – have formed a ‘partnership of independents’ to fight October’s election.

Declaring it is not a traditional party, the trio say that several individuals have signed up already with more expected to do so under the banner ‘Move Forward Together’ by working with the people of Guernsey.
The partnership is made up of different and independently-minded people from across the political spectrum and all walks of life, according to the three serving deputies, but with a commitment to work together to promote effective and timely government. It will not whip its members to take a party line.
A key pledge is to respect majority States’ decisions to ensure agreed policies are swiftly and effectively implemented alongside a commitment get on with the States’ Revive and Thrive recovery strategy from the Covid-19 pandemic.
‘For the first time Guernsey has the opportunity to vote island-wide. This alone is a monumental change and now each voter has the chance to elect all those candidates they believe in – safe in the knowledge we are committed to improving the speed and decisiveness of the States for the good of all,' said Deputy St Pier.
The partnership had a rich diversity of talent and a shared commitment to public service, he added.
‘Voters will be able to see quickly that we stand for many of our own priorities.
‘We will move forward together to protect and enhance our extraordinary island.’
Deputy Soulsby said: ‘We have seen what can be done when islanders and the States of Deliberation work together. We know we won’t agree on every policy. That doesn’t matter, what matters is our pledge to accept and implement majority decisions.
‘We share the frustrations of many islanders who see, time and again, efforts at progress dragged back for debate many times over – wasting time and sometimes never reaching a satisfactory conclusion.
‘We hope to change that – not by whipping voters but by each of us voting independently but with shared values and for the good of Guernsey.’
Deputy Trott said the island was well-equipped to build back better but needed to invest, be bold and stay competitive to create and maintain jobs, and ensure a strong economy.
‘That is how we are able to invest in public services and that is why putting the economy front and centre is the most important step to enable us to revive and thrive.
‘We look forward to hearing from anyone thinking of standing in the election who would be willing to work with us and to pledge to the values and objectives to which all our candidates are committed.’
The grouping is planning a number of events in the run-up to the 7 October election to give islanders the opportunity to hear and discuss what each partnership member stands for. A website will feature more information including the partnership’s principles, plus information on the candidates who have signed up to its pledge.