Grammar’s Hike or Bike Friday is a healthy pursuit
HIKE or bike Fridays have been introduced at the Grammar School and Sixth Form Centre and have already influenced staff and students to take a more sustainable route to school.

It is the brain-child of teachers Chris Bentley and Chris Taylor and, although it only started last week, it has already seen bike racks filling up more regularly.
‘The idea at the moment is to encourage students to take a more sustainable mode of transport to school on Fridays, with the long term aim of making it a habit,’ Mr Bentley said.
‘It’s important that everybody at the school, not just the students, recognise the small steps they can take to make a difference to the environment and their own health.’
16-year-old Blake Carre said that, even after a week, the bike racks are more busy and traffic is less congested. ‘It’s important as well – after the climate change march we did last year – that we take actions that back up this idea of reducing climate change.’
Tilly Morris, also 16, agreed, saying it was crucial that everyone pitches in a little bit because any efforts will start to make a difference.
As well as saving petrol money and reducing CO2 emissions, students like Leo Smith and Rubi Croft, both 14, recognised the mental and physical benefits of walking or cycling.
‘You come in with a breath of fresh air and a sense of achievement,’ added 12-year-old Tyrese Houilbecq.
Mr Taylor said that, as a parent, there are some concerns that road etiquette is not quite up to scratch yet, but with time and as more people walk or cycle, it will hopefully become the norm and young people and their parents will feel more safe on the roads.
‘As the winter months approach and the weather gets worse, we want to ensure they have the right gear and high-vis and lights, as well as waterproof jackets, so that this habit can become ingrained and natural – rather than being seen as a burden or needing a lot of organisation.’