Guernsey Press

Glategny Esplanade officially the island’s busiest road

GLATEGNY ESPLANADE has been confirmed as the busiest road in and out of Town by a new States traffic survey.

Glategny Esplanade has been confirmed as the busiest road into and out of Town for all forms of traffic with St Julian’s Avenue the next busiest. (29811273)

In total nearly one million journeys to and from Town by cars, buses, bicycles and lorries were recorded by automated traffic counters over a single week.

Out of the 15 locations studied, Glategny Esplanade had the heaviest traffic, with nearly 138,000 journeys – an average of 21,000 on weekdays – and an average speed of 23.3mph.

The next busiest road was St Julian’s Avenue, where nearly 120,000 vehicles passed at an average speed of 20.8mph.

Unsurprisingly these two roads shared the busiest junction at the Weighbridge roundabout, which had nearly 31,000 traffic movements across 24 hours.

The next most heavily trafficked junctions were at Admiral Park and at the top of the Grange.

The survey, which was carried out at the start of July, was after the Elizabeth College and Ladies’ College had broken up for the summer, and coincided with three days when Le Val des Terres was closed.

A spokesman for the States said those conditions could be factored in.

‘We expect that with two schools being shut there will have been some reduction in vehicle movements for an hour in the morning and again in the afternoon.

‘Outside of those times, traffic should broadly be the same as during term time, all other things being equal.

‘To gauge the additional term-time traffic would not require the whole exercise to be repeated.

‘We can simply collect some more localised data when the colleges are back, to supplement the information already gathered.’

Le Val des Terres reopened midway through the survey, so data would have been collected under both conditions.

The data provides a comprehensive picture of current traffic volumes and flows throughout the day and across the week, and it will be used as a baseline in future to predict impacts from new developments in Town.

It will feed into the plans for the three identified regeneration areas in Town, including Lower Pollet and South Esplanade.