Pride of Guernsey: Sue Le Page
‘WHERE do I start? Sue Le Page is a wonderful person who has done a lot for so many people,’ said nominator Elizabeth Aitken.
Sue has been nominated for the Specsavers-sponsored Carer of the Year award due to what Lois Archer, another nominator, describes as her ‘good heart’.
‘She goes that extra mile to help others and she has been through a lot herself. She’s a good friend,’ said Lois.
‘Sue has done a lot for me and has been here for me,’ said Elizabeth.
Sue said that she has been ‘like a mother’ to Elizabeth, who had ‘nobody to run to’ after sadly losing her family and requiring care with her special needs.
‘I looked after her, took her back and forth to the doctors and helped her to handle her money,’ she said.
Also, Sue taught Elizabeth to cook, wash her clothes and even went to her at 3am to comfort her when she had a breakdown.
Sue said: ‘I’m a people person, if I can help anyone I will. I’ve always been like that and I’ll never change. I don’t give up.’
Elizabeth and Lois are not the only people who have benefited under Sue’s care.
‘She helps a lot of people and does a lot for people with special needs,’ said Lois.
In winter, Sue would cook extra soup and give it to Elizabeth, Lois and their neighbours too.
‘I like to give love and care to the people that I help,’ said Sue.