Guernsey Press

Future Channel Islands bishop is inaugurated

BISHOP Stephen Lake was inaugurated at Salisbury Cathedral on Sunday.

Bishop Stephen Lake after the inauguration at Salisbury Cathedral. (Picture by Zach Culpin)

In due course he will also be bishop with responsibility for the Channel Islands.

People from across the Diocese of Salisbury came together to celebrate the inauguration of the ministry as the 79th Bishop of Salisbury was ordained.

That included Dean of Guernsey, the Very Rev. Tim Barker.

‘It was a very lovely service,’ he said.

‘It was good to be part of such a large congregation, and to enjoy the warm and positive atmosphere. This was my first inauguration at Salisbury Cathedral – all of them have been different as they reflect the unique nature of the diocese, the cathedral’s resources, and the wishes of each bishop,’ he said.

The service was open for all to attend, and provided an opportunity for civic and community leaders, congregations, and clergy to gather in person and celebrate the start of Bishop Stephen’s ministry together.

Dean of Jersey Mike Keirle – who was formerly rector at St Martin’s in Guernsey – also celebrated the Bishop’s inauguration at the ceremony. This was the last stage of Bishop Stephen’s arrival into the diocese, which began on 13 January with the announcement of his appointment.

He arrived at the cathedral from Old Sarum, the site of the original cathedral, accompanied by Scouts to reflect his journey of faith beginning as a scout in Poole, Dorset.

Two choristers, representing the 42,000 children in diocesan schools, then met Bishop Stephen on Choristers Green and led him to the cathedral doors.

Bishop Stephen said: ‘It is wonderful to be able to gather in person after so much time apart, and I am delighted that we could invite people from around the diocese to join us in person. There is a lot to do, and we can do this together as one family of God.’