Guernsey Press

Shorthand States: The tax debate

Listen to daily round-ups from our reporters at the States as deputies debate the introduction of GST at this week's much-anticipated meeting.

Last updated
  • Meeting preview

Simon De La Rue and Matt Fallaize look ahead to the tax debate — how it might play out and what is at stake for this States and the island.

  • Day one

Simon De La Rue and Matt Fallaize round up the first day of debate on the tax review, which began with a significant public protest against GST on the steps of the Royal Court.

  • Day two

Simon De La Rue and Matt Fallaize recap the second day of the States' tax debate.

  • Day three

Matt Fallaize and Mark Ogier round up the third and final day — for now — of the tax debate, including reaction from P&R president Peter Ferbrache.

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