Guernsey Press

Foreign students on visit for annual summer camp

MORE than 50 foreign students have spent the past few weeks in the Bailiwick as part of a local language school’s annual summer camp initiative.

A group of exchange students have been in Guernsey for the last few weeks with Accent Language School, students aged between 12-17 from France and Italy have been staying with host families, sightseeing in the island, and improving their language skills. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32338770)

Accent Language School has welcomed students from France and Italy over two weeks in July, to teach English in the mornings and run activities, including kayaking, coasteering and a Herm trip, in the afternoons.

This year the students are mainly French, coming from Brittany, with 34 taking part in the course two weeks ago and 24 last week.

‘They come in through agents who recommend the course to them, we do a lot of school groups from April to June,’ said Accent director Anna Lisa Detassis.

‘They’re taught by our teachers in the Elizabeth College language facility, we have a very good relationship with the bursar who is very supportive and sometimes comes to talk to the students.’

They are staying with host families who are paid to provide meals and transport around the island, with Accent still in search of a couple more.

As part of their activities some of the students were able to watch Island Games events.

Games theme was prevalent with Accent this year, with two-time Games gold winner Danielle Hanley being one of the host parents.

Maxema Lhermenault, 17, went to the ‘Beausie Dome’ to watch Guernsey play basketball against Menorca and said it was a great experience.

‘The atmosphere inside was really good and it was very loud. I also watched some of the cycling which I enjoyed a lot,’ he said.

Leonardo Scandiuzzi, 16, watched a handful of the athletics events and was impressed by the hard work of the volunteers.

‘Everything was so organised and the supporters were very lively,’ he said.

Both were first-time visitors to the island.

French student Anna Tarolli, 14, was returning to Guernsey after an Accent course last year.

‘I’ve done a lot in my time here, I’ve done archery, coasteering, golf and mini golf. I like Guernsey because it is very beautiful,’ she said.