Neighbours say Torteval build will ‘overpower area’
A PROPOSAL to erect a two-storey house in Torteval has provoked a backlash from neighbours who say it will ‘overpower the area’.

The site in Rue de la Rocque currently has a residential dwelling with outbuildings and a greenhouse, all in poor condition.
The applicant wants to demolish the existing buildings and construct a much larger house with two pitched roofs linked together – one with a stone finish and the other timber-clad in New England style.
It is understood that all immediate neighbours oppose the development. They say it would be too large, block views and overpower their properties.
Daniel De Lisle has been living near the site for 15 years. He estimated that the plans would see the volume of housing on the site increased by about 500%.
‘My concern is that if the building is situated on higher ground and moved east, it would directly overlook my garden and living room, reducing privacy,’ he said.
‘The development will have an unacceptable impact on my residential quality of life and enjoyment of the area, and the loss of daylight as the development will overshadow the private communal space now afforded by the open land.’
Mr De Lisle said that other recent developments in the area had been careful to keep to a single storey with a flat roof to limit the effect on the skyline. He was worried that the proposed development would become the most prominent feature on the skyline.
‘Several trees and the four walls enclosing the garden have been removed over the past month, which provided a privacy screening,’ he said.
‘There has been no consultation with neighbours prior to the application being made to ensure any site sensitivities.’
Another neighbour, who wished to remain anonymous, did not mind the design of the proposed house, but was alarmed by its size.
‘It would overpower the area and block the view. It is a three-storey house masquerading as a two-storey house,’ he said.
‘The new owners of the site didn’t approach any of us to discuss the plans. The only action they have taken is to cut the hedges back so far that earth keeps falling into the road.’
Guernsey Press attempts to contact the applicant were unsuccessful.
n The application can be viewed at under FULL/2023/0979 – La Rocque.