Torchlight procession ends a successful Alderney Week
ALDERNEY Week 2023 went out in a blaze of glory over the weekend, as the traditional torchlight procession brought a successful week to a close.

More than 1,400 torches were sold as the procession made its way down St Anne’s High Street before reaching the Butes, where the torches were thrown into a bonfire and procession members treated to a huge firework display.
Alderney Week team leader Wayne Chandler said that apart from one morning of rain last Friday, the weather throughout the entire week had been kind to the organisers.
‘We had to move the strongman and strongwoman events from town to the Butes so that they could be under cover, but apart from that everything went really smoothly, we’re really pleased with how it’s all gone.’
This year was just the second time that Mr Chandler and his wife Vicky have headed up the team responsible for organising the week.
‘The whole experience was quite similar to last year as there were a similar number of people attending all the events, although we did have a bit more of an idea this time round,’ he said.
There were 72 events making up this year’s programme, with a number of new acts having caught Mr Chandler’s eye over the course of the week.
‘We had a stunt rider who took part in the cavalcade, doing some tricks and just generally messing about on his bike, while having a live band down at the man-powered flight was great too,’ he said.
Alderney Week also has a new mascot, with Ronnie the Bear –named after previous team leader Ronnie Cairnduff – providing more family-friendly entertainment.
‘Ronnie was famous for his ties, so Ronnie the Bear wore a new tie every day,’ Mr Chandler said.
‘He would then lose it in a different place each day, and if children were able to find it then they were given a miniature model of Ronnie the Bear to keep.’
He said that the clear-up from the torchlight procession was almost complete, and paid tribute to the volunteers who helped out during the week, as well as the rest of the Alderney Week team.
‘There’s seven of us on the team, but we are never short of volunteers and helpers, Alderney is that sort of island, everyone is always keen to help out where they can.’
He added that planning for next year’s event had already begun.
‘It never stops, ideas are already being discussed and acts are being booked up.’