Grow Ltd starts to move back ‘home’
GROW LIMITED started its move back ‘home’ yesterday after nearly two years away.
The Petits Quartiers site has been transformed while Grow has operated from a new site in Oatlands lane.
‘We opened initially 40 years ago and have spent years making sure adults with learning disabilities are able to work in a safe environment, so moving in is really significant for us,’ said Grow general manager Karen Blanchford.
The new centre will host multiple opportunities for people with learning disabilities, including a training cafe, training shop and an arts and crafts area.
The Grow staff, known as the ‘crew’, move in next week, and then the focus will be on training. The site will only be fully open to the public from January.
‘Our focus for the remainder of this year will be on training our people and getting them familiar with the new centre,’ said Ms Blanchford.
‘Between now and Monday though, our aim is to get as much moved in and set up as possible.’
The charity has had plenty of help to move back in, including teams of volunteers from companies including Deloitte, Northern Trust, and RBSI, and volunteers from the prison.
‘I would like to thank all the volunteers who are helping with the move,’ said Ms Blanchford. ‘We’ve needed them.’
The new Grow site has spare space which it is willing to share with other local charities for people with disabilities.
One of the first to take advantage is Wigwam, which runs support groups for children and families of children with additional needs.
‘This is a real community project and we are looking to co-share the space with other charities and co-share our accessible training facilities with them.’
The first chance for the public to see the new site will be at an open day on Sunday 1 October.
A shuttle service will run from the College of Further Education’s Coutanchez campus car park to the centre, as there is limited parking on site.