Major roadworks set to get under way across the island
While nearly all roads reopened for Christmas week, roadworks are set to get back under way this week.

The one likely to cause many headaches is the closure of the Houguettes crossroads in Castel from Thursday for three weeks.
Ronez is set to undertake patching work on behalf of Traffic & Highway Services on the junction.
All four approach roads – La Houguette Road, Rue de la Porte, Rue des Deslisles and Rue des Eturs – will be shut, with the road into Kings Mills being shut as far as La Sauvarinerie and the road towards Castel Church shut as far as Les Beaucamps.
The closures are leading to long diversions, past Saumarez Park and along the coast road at Cobo and Vazon.
In the middle of the island, Route de St Andre is set to shut for three days from tomorrow for Guernsey Electricity work.
While the diversion is quite short – along L’Ecluse to the Talbot Valley and then back to the main road by Guernsey Water – this will also be serving as a diversion for the Houguette crossroads work.
In St Martin’s, Grande Rue will be one-way from Route des Coutures to the Rue Maze junction for two days from today to allow a street light to be replaced.
In Town the bottom of the Fosse Andre is set to shut for two days from today to allow a new water service to be installed, with vehicles being diverted along La Vrangue and Amherst.
The bottom of Vauvert is set to close for two days from tomorrow to allow a Sure cover to be replaced.
These latter two smaller jobs are both being carried out before the States schools reopen on Tuesday 9 January.
Braye Road between Oatlands and Crossways is set to shut for one day on Thursday to enable tree surgery.
A number of major road closures were finished just before Christmas, including the final phase of the five-month Bailiff Cross Road closure as part of the Sure fibre project and the last closure for the installation of Guernsey Electricity’s new 33kV cable.
January roadworks
Among the notable upcoming roadworks this month is the start of a two-month one-way system on the Grange.
The road will be one-way westbound from 8 January to 1 March to allow for Guernsey Electricity work.
Le Grand Bouet will be shut for three days from 9 January to allow the street lights to be replaced.
There will be a three-day closure of Vale Road from 17 January for Guernsey Electricity work, while in St Andrew’s La Brigade will shut for a week for Sure work from 8 January, followed by Les Varioufs the following week. Fort Road is set to shut for two weeks from 22 January for utility connections.
Route de Carteret is set to shut for three days from 17 January for electricity work.
Route des Blicqs, and its junction with Chemin Le Roi, will be closing for a week from 29 January for electricity cable upgrading.