Guernsey Press

St Andrew’s Church second to be targeted by thieves

A second church robbery is being investigated by police, after thieves broke into the St Andrew’s Church alms box.

Last updated
(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32873130)

Fortunately the wooden box was believed to have been largely empty.

The incident followed perpetrators entering St Peter’s Church on Thursday 28 December and stealing £100 from a locked iron box.

A police spokesman confirmed they were working on the basis that the two incidents could be linked.

‘But all avenues of enquiry do remain open,' he said.

Police said the St Andrew’s incident took place between 7pm on 3 January and 10am on 5 January.

A St Andrew’s Church official said the church was locked at night, so it was believed the incident took place during the day on Thursday 4 January.

The Dean, the Very Rev. Tim Barker, is the St Andrew’s rector.

He said that after hearing about St Peter’s theft, the church had emptied its collection box, meaning the thief either got nothing or very little.

The theft was discovered when the church was being opened up for a funeral.

‘It’s very upsetting when somewhere that is a sanctuary is violated in this way,’ Mr Barker said. ‘I’m very disappointed.’

The wooden alms box, which is believed to be pre-war, was damaged.

The church official said it seemed the thieves had come prepared with tools, and he believed a jemmy – a short crowbar – was used to force the box open.

‘The box was damaged, but it is repairable,’ he said.

There had been problems with petty thefts in the past at the church, but there have been no issues for at least 15 years, the church official said.

Due to those past problems the alms box had been strengthened and a big lock used.

Church officials also empty the box regularly to deter thieves.

Mr Barker said if people were in need of financial help, they should talk to church officials, who might be able to help.

The money from the box is used to support the life of the St Andrew’s ministry.

  • Guernsey Police are investigating both thefts, and have appealed for anyone who saw anything suspicious to get in touch. Anyone with information should call DC 92 Smith on 01481 222222 or Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111.