Guernsey Press

Commendation for Bridge Neighbourhood Watch

The Bridge Neighbourhood Watch has received a commendation from the head of law enforcement.

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Lyn Duport, left, and Bernie Coutu with a letter they have received from Ruari Hardy thanking them for their community work on the Bridge. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33432025)

Bernie Coutu has been doing Neighbourhood Watch for 14 years, clearing up the Bridge and looking to keep its young people safe.

She wrote to head of law enforcement Ruari Hardy about her work.

‘I understand you have undertaken a lot of work to occupy our young people in Vale and I thank you very much for that and all the work you have done over the past 14 years to help and support our community,’ he responded. ‘Your work and dedication is very much appreciated.’

Ms Coutu also raises money for the chapel at the hospital.

‘Everything goes round in a circle, we raise money for the chapel through the hut and other fundraisers,’ she said.

The former-police drop-in hut on the North Side of the Bridge has become a safe space for young people. ‘More and more children are coming into the hut, they can charge their phones and hang out for a bit, it gets them off the streets,' she said.