West Show president delighted with his first year in role
The West Show has been a success for Andre Mayor in his first year as show committee president.

Although he had previously held the roles of show manager and vice-president, Mr Mayor said that he had been able to see much more of the show this year.
‘Everything has been going really well,’ he said.
‘The committee has been amazing, they’ve helped me out so much and the way our volunteers have come together has made it like a family. I’ve been trying to enjoy it, until I get called away, but I enjoy it all, the setting up and taking down too.’
The new president has found himself in some ‘amusing’ situations, such as searching the toilets and drains for a lost phone.
But a special moment for him has been seeing people’s response to Geoff Le Gallez’s tribute tent.
‘The site is packed this year, I don’t have any particular highlights but the response to Otto’s tent has been really heart-warming,’ he said.
‘You just never really know what to expect next, we’ve come across some very amusing situations.’
For the West Show committee, it’s a quick turnaround, and the showground will come down today.
‘I’ve already started taking the show down in my head, the tents should be down be midday [today] and the rest of it down by Saturday,’ said Mr Mayor.
‘Once we’ve finished up we’ll all come together for a party.’