Guernsey Waste seeking to extend transfer station delivery times
WASTE could be delivered to the transfer station in the afternoons, as well as the mornings, if planning allows the opening times to be varied.

When permission was first given for the Waste Transfer Station and Household Waste & Recycling Centre at Longue Hougue, planning stipulated specific operating hours for both facilities.
Guernsey Waste is now applying to vary the hours stipulated, to reduce the requirement for seeking special dispensations. However no changes to opening hours for customers are planned.
If approved, the cut-off time for waste being delivered to the transfer station on weekdays will be extended from 12.30pm to 4pm.
The site would only receive waste from customers between these times in particular circumstances, such as in the event of plant breakdowns or weather disruption.
The transfer station would also be able to start processing waste from 4.30am, Monday to Saturday, instead of the current 6am.
Waste would also be able to be received routinely on bank holidays, instead of being a special arrangement.
This allows parish waste contractors to drop off household waste when collections coincide with a public holiday, as happens now under specific dispensations from Environmental Health. States Works would also be able to process this material on the day of receipt, between 4.30am and 9am.
At present, under the HWRC’s waste management licence, material can only be received from 7.30am to 8pm, Monday to Friday, and between 8am and 5pm on weekends and Bank Holidays.
Guernsey Waste is applying to change the Saturday cut off time to 8pm, to align with weekdays.
Although these times extend beyond the site’s normal opening hours for customers, which are not set to change, the current permissions allow for them to be extended if required, for example following closure due to adverse weather.