Guernsey Press

Sure’s Airtel-Vodafone takeover could be done before Christmas

THE long-awaited takeover of Airtel-Vodafone by Sure could be completed before Christmas.


After the States agreed to temporarily suspend competition law to wave through the deal yesterday, Sure welcomed the decision and said it would be ready to finalise the deal shortly.

‘Having secured approval in Jersey earlier in the year we can now move forward and complete the transaction in the coming weeks,’ said Sure Group CEO Alistair Beak.

Airtel-Vodafone, which has recently introduced and marketed a new tariff offer, will continue to operate independently until the deal goes through. Sure will be committed to continue to offer its packages for a set period.

Mr Beak said that the decision was ‘great news’ for Sure and Airtel customers and the future of telecoms services in the islands, and would trigger multi-million pound investment from the company.

‘We are grateful that deputies have recognised the numerous strategic, economic and social benefits of our acquisition of Airtel.

‘The approval paves the way for a significant investment of up to £48m. in a world-class 5G mobile network for the islands. We have made several legally binding commitments to ensure Sure and Airtel customers, as well as the wider community, benefit significantly in the form of high-speed data services, improved coverage, and greater value for money – all while maintaining competition in the market through the commitment to launch the Channel Islands Coop as a new operator.

Economic Development Committee president Neil Inder, who endured some nervy moments in the last 48 hours before the decision as deputies began to criticise the proposals, said that the debate was ‘well worth having’.

‘The policy proposals were well tested in the right place, the Assembly, where we do scrutiny.

‘I genuinely think this was entirely the right decision for Guernsey and there is now a clear direction in place to the GCRA with remedies attached to the licence to protect consumers.

‘I have every confidence that within two to three years, Guernsey will have one of the most advanced telecoms environments in the world.’