Guernsey Press

Two operators on CI sea routes would be ‘a shame’

TWO operators acting separately on the Channel Islands sea routes would be ‘a shame’, the boss of Brittany Ferries and Condor has said.

Last updated
Christophe Mathieu. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33832783)

Christophe Mathieu has not been interviewed by Guernsey media in the month since the island awarded its sea contract to Brittany Ferries following the joint island tender process.

But on Friday he spoke to Jersey media as that island awaited confirmation from its government on who would win the Jersey contract. That is now expected this week.

‘We believe we’ve got the right offer – we’ve got the fleet, we’ve got the Guernsey contract, we’ve got the financial structure, but it’s also obvious to everybody in both islands that one service is better than two

services,’ he told the Jersey Evening Post.

‘It’s a bit of a lose-lose, but we are very committed and because Guernsey has given us the contract, we will honour that.’

Mr Mathieu said it would be a shame to have two operators on the routes, as that would be less efficient and potentially lead to higher prices.

Mr Mathieu told the BBC that the Guernsey-only service was commercially viable with fewer ships in operation and an optimised schedule.

‘But it’s a shame that rather than thinking as a group of islands, there is always that “us and them” reaction.’

He also confirmed to Jersey media that the Condor name was being phased out. Ships are being rebranded. ‘They will be a Brittany Ferries ship with a Brittany Ferries experience soon enough.’