Le Poullain raises spirits on chastening night for locals
'IT'S a lesson we must learn from,' said Amalgamated BC head coach Ben Duff after seeing his local squad crash to an 8-4 defeat to the visiting North-East Select at St Pierre Park.

Billy Le Poullain's brilliant top-of-the-bill display, preceded moments before by a fine win for Casey de la Mare, gave the big home crowd plenty to cheer about as they prepared to leave, but much of the evening proved uncomfortable viewing for the home club, who at one point were 7-0 down.
The squad selected from north-east clubs were highly impressive, Duff was happy to admit.
'They were very strong,' said Duff.
'And I know we lost the show, but there was plenty to learn from it.'
More in Mondays Guernsey Press.