Gow and Greenhalgh latest to fall to Raiders injury jinx
RAIDERS must focus on the ‘controllables’ rather than their horrendous bad luck insists coach Jordan Reynolds.

Guernsey travelled to Dings Crusaders on Saturday with an injury-depleted squad and suffered a couple more major setbacks with fullback Alex Gow breaking his fibula while fly-half Henry Greenhalgh damaged his knee, potentially seriously.
‘Alex needs surgery – it’s a similar injury to Charlie Currie’s except without the dislocation of the ankle,’ Reynolds said.
‘I would be guessing at what Henry’s done, but he tried to step off on his leg and his knee gave way on him. He could not walk on it on Sunday.
‘These things are completely out of our hands. Focusing on the injury problems is not going to solve it, we just have to focus on what we can control as best we can and try to push forward.’
Reynolds added that he was proud of the effort his troops put in at Dings in the 38-12 defeat.
More in Tuesday's Guernsey Press.