Our new logo is not same as Jersey's – Guernsey Police
CLOSE working with Jersey is considered efficient in many areas, but Guernsey Police might have taken the practice too far with a recent change to its logo.

A decision to remove a sprig of leaves from the Guernsey coat of arms has left it with an identical appearance to Jersey's.
The islands' coat of arms were last identical more than 700 years ago, when the leaves, or crest, was added to Guernsey's.
A police spokesman said the move was supposed to simplify the design for social media.
However, the change drew criticism from Twitter users, including Home Department board member Deputy Mary Lowe.
'@guernseypolice you have changed your logo, big error we are not Jersey. Guernsey has a leaf and lions are in crest. C local history Royal Crt (sic),' she wrote.