Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: 'Great asset to the school'

'GOING above and beyond' to help her students makes St Sampson's High School Rhian Harris a teacher to be valued.


She was nominated for Teacher of the Year, sponsored by Garenne, by Pauline Tostevin, the centre of student inclusion manager, who said that even though all island teachers could be nominated, she felt Miss Harris went the extra mile to help and support the students at St Sampson's High.

She is a great support for her students as a head of year, seeing them through school Year 7 all the way through to Year 11.

Even though her main role is an English teacher, she has taken on the role of special educational needs coordinator.

Miss Harris is described as considerate, approachable and understanding. She always takes time out of her busy schedule to help students whether academically or emotionally.

She is a very good listener and always takes the time to talk to them and listen. She is also very supportive to parents and always happy to help them.

'I feel, and many others feel, that she is a great asset to St Sampson's High School' – a teacher who is simply always there for her students.

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