Pride of Guernsey: 'Tireless in her work'
THE grounds of the GSPCA have been transformed thanks to Ann Wragg and her team of volunteers in the St Andrew's Floral Group.

GSPCA manager Steve Byrne said Mrs Wragg was a true star and a worthy nomination for the OCS-sponsored Parish Champion of the Year Award.
'As well as the team of 20 local parish volunteers, Ann has brought together over 120 volunteers from schools, companies and groups of Beavers to RSPB Guernsey, the Medical Specialist Group and people doing community service orders via the Probation Service,' he said.
'Ann has helped to develop a picnic area and raised more than £11,000 towards the work, which also includes hedging, nest boxes, reviving our pond, and willow hedges.'
The GSPCA and the St Andrew's Floral Group recently won the people's choice category at the Conservation Awards, which showed how this community project had developed, according to Mr Byrne.
'Ann is tireless both in her support for this project at the shelter and the endless work that goes on to make St Andrew's such a wonderful and pretty place to live.'
Mrs Wragg's efforts were also benefiting animals in the GSPCA's care because there were now plants outside many of the pens, which helped enrich their outlook.