Vauvert, Elizabeth College youngsters are people's choice
VAUVERT PRIMARY SCHOOL and Elizabeth College Junior School Pre-School were the first schools to receive a new Eisteddfod award – the People's Choice.

The award, which was introduced this year, will see prizes given to the pre-school and junior school which received the most votes on their displayed work, as chosen by the people who visited the exhibition.
The trophy was donated by exhibition organiser Peter de Garis and his wife, Sue.
Mr de Garis said this new award came about after discussions with visitors, as previously there was not a prize for schools of this age group.
The winning junior school received a trophy, with vouchers presented to the pre-school.
Bailiff Sir Richard Collas, who is also president of the Guernsey Eisteddfod, attended both schools to present their prizes.
Mr de Garis and Barbara Minta, who is general secretary of the Guernsey Eisteddfod, went along to both.