Guernsey Press

New Cafe operator sought for La Nouvelle Maritaine due to sudden departure

A NEW operator is being sought to run the cafe at La Nouvelle Maritaine, as the current tenant has stopped serving meals.


Doughlicious Ltd, which has run Cafe Amiti for the last 17 months, will vacate the kitchen at the Guernsey Housing Association premises tomorrow. It had stopped serving meals on Monday.

GHA chief executive Steve Williams confirmed the arrangement between the body and Doughlicious had been terminated.

'It was not working out for both parties,' he said.

'There has been ongoing discussion for several months but it has come to a point where we needed to make a break.'

While meals have not been served at the cafe since Monday, Mr Williams said each flat on the site had a kitchen and therefore residents were not dependant on the cafe.

However, it was aware of six residents that needed additional help and Health & Social Care staff and relatives had been rallying around to help.

The GHA has organised an interim arrangement, starting from this coming Monday, with another cafe, which will supply pre-ordered meals to residents. This would be until a new cafe operator was found.

Mr Williams said residents had been very understanding.

'We are looking for a new cafe operator,' he added.

'We want someone with a proven track record of running a cafe successfully.'

He said the GHA was also working with Rock Commercial Property Agents to try and find another operator.

Mr Williams added that the Bingo night arranged for tomorrow will go ahead, but residents attending are asked to take along their own refreshments.