The committee has launched a month-long consultation on proposals, which it said, would 'broadly cover' all local centres and main centre outer areas, as identified in the Island Development Plan.
Areas most affected by the proposals include St Sampson's main centre where La Route du Braye will join a list of other roads where a 25mph limit will be imposed.
In St Peter Port, Glategny Esplanade would be 25mph while Route du Picquerel and part of La Route de L'Islet in the Vale will also be changed.
Changes are also being made at L'Aumone and the Friquet in the Castel as well as Rue des Landes in the Forest.
The committee said: 'By reducing the speed limits in these more densely populated areas, the committee considers it will make the roads safer for vulnerable road users and encourage more people to walk and cycle, especially when undertaking shorter journeys which will improve health, enhance the environment and minimise pollution, which accords with the vision for travel on the island as contained in the Integrated Transport Strategy.'
Plans showing the proposed changes can be found on the States of Guernsey website ( or at displays located at Sir Charles Frossard House, Edward T Wheadon House, Beau Sejour and the Traffic and Highway Services offices in Bulwer Avenue.