Guernsey Press

Battle of Flowers organisers tweak show classes

CHANGES are being made to this year’s Battle of Flowers competition.

Mario Kart and Princess Peaches – Roland Guille and Eva Guille – at last year’s Battle of Flowers. (Picture by Steve Sarre, 22100666)

The event is being held on 22 and 23 August at the North Show.

‘The class list for the event has remained unchanged for some time and we wanted to take on board comments and suggestions from past exhibitors to make some positive changes,’ said Battle co-ordinator Emma Sarre.

The changes include the decorated bicycle category, which has been split into two classes, junior and open.

‘This is to give even more people opportunity to succeed in their class and to recognise the hard work and effort that people put in,’ added Mrs Sarre.

Real flower exhibits have been condensed into three classes – hand drawn/pushed, motorised vehicle and trailer.

‘We have tried to become more flexible within the bigger classes in an effort to encourage more entries from individuals, families and groups alike,’ Mrs Sarre said.

‘The changes will hopefully ensure we have a number of entries in each class – making the friendly competition experienced between exhibitors that bit more exciting.

‘Our spectators will have difficult choices to make with their all-important voting slips on the day.’

Anyone who entered using classes from last year can contact the Battle of Flowers team to ensure their entry works in the new class format.

n Contact the team organising the Battle of Flowers at or find extra information at