Planners identify site for 35 more houses in Route Militaire
UP TO 35 houses could be built behind a row of properties in Route Militaire, planners have indicated.
A draft development framework was published yesterday for the site known as Le Four Banal, which would also border empty industrial land once earmarked for a data park.
It would allow for further building near to two other large housing sites, Pointues Rocques, where up to 125 dwellings can be built, and the Saltpans, where planners have indicated that up to 154 could go.
The framework offers guidance as to how a site can be built on. No planning application is live for Le Four Banal, which covers about 0.95 hectares (5.79 vergees).
It is bordered to the north, south and west by residential properties.
The part of the site to the rear of the properties Le Four Banal, Turning Leaf and Route Militaire comprises agricultural land with the remains of disused vineries.
The remainder of the site forms grassed areas associated with properties Beverley, Sundowner, Flockies, Bardon, Dalston to the north and Grove Cottage to the south.
Access to the site is via a narrow entrance between the granite roadside boundary walls of Le Four Banal and Grove Cottage, which has restricted visibility.
‘The site is situated adjacent to a number of existing residential properties to the west, whose reasonable amenities (daylight, sunlight and privacy) must be protected,’ the draft framework states.
‘The layout, scale and appearance of the development, including the size and proximity to the boundaries and positioning of fenestration, must not result in unreasonable impact on the amenity of those properties and additional information may be required to support a proposal.
‘The amenities of the future occupiers of the site must be safeguarded from the Key Industrial Area situated to the north and west of the site and additional information may be required to demonstrate this as part of a proposal such as boundary treatment enhancement and/or landscaping improvements.
‘Irrespective of this, the inclusion of a two to five metre buffer zone will be required.’
A draft development framework was also released yesterday for La Vigne, in Guelles Road, St Peter Port. The site covers an area of approximately 0.98 hectares (6 vergees) and is located to the west of Guelles Road.
Part of this site is designated as Important Open Land, which prevents most forms of development, including new housing, and the potential developable area is therefore limited to approximately 0.38 hectares.
Planners say this could allow six to eight dwellings.